Niger Seeks Complete Independence Despite Vulnerabilities

Due to their frequencies in Africa--coups--like any other phenomenon will eventually manifest a pattern for study and judgement.  From there, one can safely opine, as this author proposes, that the exalted expectations of the previous regime will also be demanded of their replacement. So, to those exuberant with bravado and euphoria, I would advise caution to your wishes for you may be burdened with them.

Why the aforementioned gloom? In short, way too many acute vulnerabilities. For a country intent on burning bridges with outside agents, Niger seems too dependent upon them.  To wit:

  • Niger receives almost $2 billion a year in official development assistance, according to the World Bank.
  • Significant inflation as express in various YouTube videos.
  • Highest fertility rate in the world. Almost seven children per woman.
  • 63% illiteracy.
  • 80% desert.

As time passes and sanctions become more burdensome, bravado will eventually yield to chaos, then submission to the realities of dependency due to a failed system.

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